Youmacon 2022

Bree, Seven, and I attended Youmacon this year! It was a HUGE blast and totally one of the best ones. It was too early for Maestro to work a con, but this was Sage's 3rd time attending. He was perfect the entire weekend- from being on the 15th floor of a fancy no-pets hotel, to riding the cramped people mover, and being surrounded by cosplayers and bustling restaurants. Nothing phased him, and he wore his little cosplay perfectly.

We cosplayed Steve, Eddie, and Dustin from Stranger Things and met lots of awesome people. If I gave you a card and you are seeing this now: Thank you so much for your interest in my dogs/the breed! I loved chatting with you!

✦ Leo

10/13/22 Halloween Meetup

Things went very well for the Halloween Meetup! Thank you to all of those that attended and especially to those that helped make it happen- Judy, who hosted, Seven, who always helps out immeasurably, Bree, who always shows up and makes it a party, and Echo of Melioris Silken Windhounds, who always provides moral support. Couldn't have done it without all of you, and I hope that even more people will attend next year. Hope to see you then!

✦ Leo

10/01/22 Precision Coursing

Sugar got to have a blast running 2 Precision Coursing trials at the Corunna, MI UKC show! She earned 2 more legs towards her next title, which means she now has her Advanced Precision Coursing title! So proud of our baby girl! See some of Sugar's run, HERE! You can see videos of other Silken Windhounds (and some other sighthounds) showing here and here.

✦ Leo

9/11/22 Practice Run

Sugar's first run on a lure (04/10/2021) vs. Sugar's most recent practice run (09/11/2022) at The Ohio Classic, held by MSWA (Midwest Silken Windhound Association) can be viewed here!

So proud of our baby girl! Sugar cannot compete in LGRA due to having Cerebellar Hypoplasia, but we love to do practice runs on the lure and have fun! Her improvements as she practices and we work with her have been amazing.

✦ Leo

7/16/22 Precision Coursing

Sugar ran her second set of UKC Precision Coursing trials. She got her last leg in Novice and now has her Novice Title. she ran once in advanced and has a leg towards that now too 💚

We are SO proud of our little Precision Courser! Thank you to the United LCLD Club for holding PC!

✦ Leo